Monday, February 2, 2009

notes from 1/26

About Our Speakers
Allen Jones, president of Local 507 (local union) United Steel Workers
formerly part of Iron Workers Union

Jeff Israel, chairman of Committee of Political Education of Local 507
a third generation union member

About United Steel Workers
Local 507 has organized the Canton Mill (where Allen and Jeff work) in Haywood County most heavily populated union county in NC
USW not just steel workers; also: nurses, rubber, pharmaceutical, paper,...

Some notes on unions
benefits of being in unions:
-negotiate percent of healthcare pay
-everybody gets health insurance
-determine their wages
-get retirement pensions
-get workers compensation (for injuries)
-if they do go on strike (as a last resort), they (USW specifically) have enough money saved up from dues to pay members $250

OSHA was created by unions

Collective Bargaining
Arbitration: Federal Mediation Conciliation Services (neutral party) sends a list of 7 judges to choose from.
Unions win less than 20% of arbitration cases due to legal language. Arbitration, therefore is last resort because what is decided in an arbitration case is final decision.
Discussions are less restrictive.
Interest-Based Bargaining (FMCS) all issues on the board (union & management.) All individuals can have their voice heard, but this proves to be ineffective. One voice is what gives a union power.

What scares the employer?
signs of communication to show that the employees are collectively together

For organizing:...despite great conveniences of technology, the best form of communication is one-on-one with a simple message.

Policies and Current Practices
-ESOP (Employees Stock Ownership Program)-workers purchase/have a large share of the company (sort of like Firestorm Cafe). workers have more control and know the future of the company.
-North Carolina is a right-to-work state. It is not required to join the present union at your place of employment. 22 states are right-to-work.
-Employee Free Choice Ace EFCA
most significant labor legislation in 50 years

Interesting Quotes
Labor movement- the movement part if most important, keeping to work toward goals with the understanding that there will never be an end point
-"I am a human being. I have civil rights, I have human rights, and I am not just a robot on your line." -Allen Jones
-To survive: elect pro-labor officals, need to take labor movement globally, and nationalized health care will make businessed far more competitive
-"Vote your job, lobby your hobby" Allen Jones
-"The union has given me a lot of things I wouldn't be able to do otherwise." Allen Jones

Interesting facts:
-54% who do not have a union would vote for one if they had a choice.
-NAFTA cost 300,000 jobs nationwide, 30,000 alone in NC
-AFL-CIO spent 50 million on election & turned over thousands of workers to work on election
-1 out of 25 Americans work at Wal-mart
-Union women make exactly same as union men, same with black & white
-1 in 5 chance of being fired if attempting to join a union
-there are law-busting firms that are paid to convince workers that unions are bad
-NC has worst laws for public sector workers (such as social workers)
-12.1% of workforce is unionized

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